
This blog is dedicated to my children, siblings , close relatives, close friends and to everyone who appreciate and enjoy the beauty of sharing. All have been tested @ my kitchen , which suits my family taste. Hope it suits yours too and thanks for stopping by.


Blog ini dipersembahkan untuk anak2 ku, saudara2 ku , sepupu2, temen2 dekat , semua orang yang menghargai dan menikmati indahnya "Berbagi". Semua resep2 ini telah di coba di dapur saya, cocok dengan selera keluarga saya, harapan besar saya, semoga sesuai juga dengan anda .Terima kasih untuk mampir ke blog saya.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pineapple Cheese tart

Baking cookies from home is so popular. because it's easy!
here are some "tips"

- use whisker
- use Wooden spoon for folding
- do not "over whisk" your dough
- do not substitute margarine for butter
- Baking have to be at low temperature 150 degree C- 160 degree C
- shift the flour
- all ingredients must be in room temperature
- always preheat the oven

This is a must have cookies during Chinese New Year, there are lots of recipe about this cookies.

Kueh kesukaan setiap orang di berbagai perayaan hari besar, aneka ragam resep mengenai kueh "Nastar" ini.

you need:
- 2 egg yolks
- 50 g icing sugar
- 200 g salted butter
- 50 g edam cheese shredded
- a dash of salt
- 250 g all purpose flour (sifted)
All ingredients must be in room temperature!

Egg yolk mixture :
2 egg yolks plus 1 Tbsp veg oil , mix well for egg wash

- 2 butir kuning telor
- 50 g gula halus
- 200 g mentega
- 50 g keju edam
- 250g tepung terigu (di ayak)
- sedikit garam
Semua bahan harus di diamkan hingga mencapai suhu ruangan

Untuk memoles :
siapkan 2 kuning telor + 1 Sdm minyak sayur, aduk hingga rata

Batter : use whisk and wooden spoon!
in a mixing bowl, butter, icing , salt n edam cheese, and whisk it. add eggs yolk, one at a time until well blended, Add in flour, fold it by using a wooden spoon. Do not "Over fold"
Roll the dough into balls first, handle as little as possible to avoid tough cookies.

Adonan : gunakan sendok kayu dan kocokan tangan manual!
campurkan mentega, gula halus, garam, keju edam lalu kocok dengan kocokan tangan. masukkan kuning telor satu persatu, kocok hingga rata. Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk dengan sendok kayu hingga rata. jangan "aduk berlebihan".
bentuk adonan dalam bulatan.

then knead a cavity into the center of the ball, enough to fit in the pineapple jam, and wrapped it, roll into a round shape. from this shape you can create any shape you want :D

Lalu bentuk lobang di tengah, cukup untuk memuat selai nanas dan rapat kembali . bentuklah sesuai dengan keinginan anda. aneka contoh bentuk kueh nastar.

Preheat the Oven @ 160 degree Celsius, bake it for 15-20 minutes, take it out, wash with the eggs yolk mixture and bake again another 5 minutes or until golden brown..

Panas kan Oven terlebih dahulu dengan suhu 160 derajat Selsius, panggang selama 15-20 menit, keluarkan dr oven, lalu olesin dengan campuran kuning telor dan minyak. pangang kembali selama 5 menit, atau sampai kuning kecoklatan.

== Pineapple Jam ==

You can buy ready made pineapple paste, but I prefer to make my own, even though it takes 2-3 hours.

Anda bisa membeli selai nanas yg telah jadi, tapi saya lebih suka membuatnya sendiri, walaupun di butuhkan 2-3 jam lamanya. :D

Pineapple jam :
prepare it two days in advance
2 ripe pineapple
200 g Caster sugar
5 cloves
1 Tbsp of butter

Selai Nanas:
siapakan dua hari di muka
2 nanas matang
200 g gula pasir
5 cengkeh
1 Sdm mentega

peeled pineapple , and cut into smaller pieces, put into a blender n blend it.
Heat the wok, pour in the pineapple juice ,clove, and cook it with medium heat . Stir regularly until evaporated, add in caster sugar, keep stir it until golden brown, add in 1 Tbsp of butter, stir for another 10 minutes. cool it down, n keep in the fridge. Bring it to room temperature when needed
Roll the pineapple jam into ball in advance.

Kupas nanas, potong dalam bentuk kecil, masukkan ke blender, jangan lama!
Panaskan kuali/panci, tuang Jus nanas, cengkeh, masak dengan api sedang. di aduk sekali-kali, sampai cairannya hilang, masukkan gula pasir, aduk terus hinga kecoklatan, masukkan mentega , aduk 10 menit lagi, lalu matikan kompor, dinginkan, isi didalam toples, masukkan kulkas. saat mau digunakan , letakkan di ruangan hingga mencapai suhu ruangan.


  1. yummy..nanti sy mau coba buat resepnya aaah...btw resep ini hasilnya sebanyak apa ya ?


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