
This blog is dedicated to my children, siblings , close relatives, close friends and to everyone who appreciate and enjoy the beauty of sharing. All have been tested @ my kitchen , which suits my family taste. Hope it suits yours too and thanks for stopping by.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Silky Creme Anglaise coffee buttercream

Heavenly smooth, rich awesome buttercream, worth the time spent to make it. Don't do it if you are in a rush. Perfect for Opera CakeRecipe adapted from Shirley O.C
10 g instant coffee
400 ml whole milk
397 g sugar, divided
147 g egg yolks
680 g unsalted butter, at room temperature. I use Elle & Vire

Krim yang sangat lembut, rasanay luar biasa enak, tidak percuma membuang waktu banyak untuk menyelesaikannya. Jadi jangan lakukan kalau waktu mepet. Resep diambil dari Shirley O.C . Sempurna sekali untuk olesan kueh Opera.
10 g kopi bubuk instan
400 ml susu murni segar
397 g gula pasir, dibagi
147 g kuning telor
680 g mentega tawar, suhu ruangan,s aya menggunakan mentega Prancis Elle & Vire 

1.Prepare a saucepan, stir together milk and instant coffee and bring to a boil. remove from the heat. Stir in 51g of sugar until it dissolve.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs yolks for 3 minutes and add in the remaining 349g sugar. Wish in 59 ml of hot milk. Then pour the remaining eggs yolks into the saucepan with the remaining hot milk. Heat over very low heat, Stirring constantly from the bottom of the pot, don't be surprise that it takes hours for the custard to thicken. Let it cool
3. In a mixer with a whisk attachment, beat the butter until light and fluffy, slowly whisk in the cooled custard til light and creamy, Use immediately or keep tightly cover up for 3 days in the fridge, Rewhip before using.

1. siapkan panci, didihkan kopi bubuk instan dan susu segar. angkat dari kompor, aduk hingga larut 51 g gula pasir.
2. siapkan mangkok ukuran sedang, kocok kuning telor selama 3 menit, lalu masukkan sisa gula pasir sebanyak 349g. lanjutkan pengocokan, lalu tuang campuran susu sebanyak 59 ml, kocok hingga tercampur rata, lalu tuang ke panci dan masukkan sisa campuran susu, panaskan di api kecil, hingga adonan mengental, aduk bagian bawah untuk menghindari ke-gosongan, jangan akget kalau itu butuh ber jam-jam proses pengadukan hingga adonan mengental. sisihkan dan biarkan mendingin.
3. Sediakan mixer, kocok mentega hingga enteng dan lembut, secara perlahan masukkan adonan yang telah dingin tadi, lanjutkan pengocokan hingga krim menjadi lembut dan enteng, siap digunakan atau boelh di simpan di kulkas tahan 3 hari, kocok kebali saat mau digunakan.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cake base

125 g unsalted butter25 g icing sugar, sifted
salt to taste
1 egg yolk
175 g all purpose flour, sifted

125 g mentega tawar
25 g gula halus
garam secukupnya
1 butir kuning telor
175 g tepung terigu serba guna

1. Preheat the oven to 160 C
2. Cream the butter at low speed for 2 minutes, add in icing sugar and salt continue for another 3 minutes, fold in in egg yolk, follow by flour.
3. bake for 30 minutes
4. remove from the oven, let it cool, crumbed. Press into 20 cm (8-inch) springform pan.

1. Panaskan Oven hingga mencapai suhu 160C
2. Kocok mentega selama 2 menit dengan kecepatan rendah, tambahkan gula halus, garam,  lanjutkan pengocokan  3 menit lagi, lalu aduk kedalamnya kuning telor, dilanjutkan dengan tepung terigu
3. Panggan selama 30 menit
4. keluarkan dari oven, biarkan dingin, lalu tekan ke dasar loyang 20 cm (8 Inci), sehingga membentuk lapisan dasar yang keras. Siap digunakan.

New York Cheesecake

Recipe adapted from Junior's
1 recipe 20 cm (8-inch) cake crust click here

Resep di adaptasi dari Junior's
1 resep 20 cm (8 inci) lapisan dasar kueh, klik SINI

500 g Cream cheese ( 2 packages) at room temperature
180 g coarse sugar
16 g cornstarch, sifted
1 tbsp(15 ml) pure vanilla extract
1 egg (65g) + 1 yolk

500 g Krim keju ( 2 kotak) biarkan di meja hingga mencapai suhu ruangan
180 g gula pasir
16 g tepung jagung (maizena), ayak
15 ml vanilla murni
1 butir telor (berat 65 g) + 1 kuning telor

1. Preheat oven to 350F or 180 C. Generously butter the bottom and sides of a 20cm (8-inch)springform pan. layer the base with parchment paper. Wrap the outside with aluminum foil, covering the bottom and extending all the way up the side.
2. prepare the cake base
3. Take 250 g of cream cheese, using a mixer, cream it until creamy with low speed for 2 minutes, then add in 60 g coarse sugar, mix for another 3 minutes, blend in the remaining 250 g cream cheese, scraping down the bowl several times. Mix for another 5 minutes.
4. add in the remaining 120 g sugar, mix well, add in the vanilla, follow by egg, beat in the cream just until completely blended, add in cornstarch, do not overmix. Gently spoon the batter over the crust.
5.Place the cake in a large shallow pan containing hot water that comes about 1 inch up the sides of the spring form. bake for 1 to 1 1/4 hour or until light golden brown, and the top is slightly golden tan. Always bake in water bath, so do check the water level in the oven during baking time.
Remove the cake from water bath, transfer to wire rack, and let cool for 2 hours, then cover the cake with clingwrap, refrigerate overnight.
6. To serve, release and remove the sides of the springform, removed the bottom of the pan. Place on a cake plate, cover the cake with a cake box n keep in the refrigerator, serve cold.
7. Garnish with Whipping cream CLICK HERE and fresh strawberries
8. to have a perfect cut, slice the cold cake with a sharp straight-edge knife. Before making that first slice, warm the knife under hot running water and wipe it dry.After cutting each slice and befoer making the next one, wipe the knife clean with a warm wet towel, this will make every slice clean and picture perfect.
1. panaskan Oven ke suhu 180C, olesin mentega agak tebal , di dasar loyang dan seputar loyang. Alasin dasar loyang dengan kertas roti. Bungkus bagian luar loyang dengan aluminium foil, hingga terbungkus ke atas, fungsinya untuk mencegak air masuk kedalam adonan saat kueh di panggang stim di Oven.
2. siapkan dasarnya kueh
3. kocok 250g krim keju dengan kecepatan rendah selama 2 menit, lalu tambahkan 60 g gula pasir, lanjutkan kocok selama 3 menit, tambahkan sisa satu kotak (250g) krim keju , lanjutkan kocok 5 menit lagi sambil dikerok bagian dasar baskom agar krim keju terkocok rata.
4. masukkan sisa 120 g gula, sambil mesin jalan kocok terus, dilanjutkan dengan Vanilla murni, kocok rata, lalu masukkan telor, kocok hingga pas tercampur rata, masukkan tepung maizena,  jangan kocok berlebihan. Sendokan secara perlahan kedalam dasar kueh yang telah di siapkan tadi
5. Siapkan loyang besar didalam oven, isi dengan air mendidih, kira2 menggenangi loyang setinggi 1 cm, lalu letakkan loyang berisi adonan tadi, panggang selama 1 hingga 1 1/4 jam, hingga  berwarna coklat keemasan, Kueh harus di panggang dengan cara Bain-Marie, selalu check jumlah air didalam oven saat proses pembakaran berlangsung.
begitu matang keluarkan dari Oven, biarakan dingin di rack pendingin selama 2 jam, (jangan di apa-apakan ,di tinggal aja), setelah itu tutup dengan plastik, dan simpan di kulkas semalaman.
6. ke esokan hari lepaskan spring loyang, lepaskan bagian dasar loyang , lalupindahkan kueh ke piring sajian. Bagian dasar akan rusak , kalau sering di sayat2 pisau tajam saat pemotongan kueh. simpan kueh dalam kotak, lalu masukkan ke kulkas, sajikan dingin.
7. Hias dengan whipping krim KLIK SINI, dan buah stroberi segar.
8. Untuk mnghasilkan potongan sempurna, gunakan pisau tajam, siram dengan air panas, lap hingga kering, lalu potong. Setalh potongan pertama, bersihkan pisau dengan lap hangat, lalulanjutkan dengan potongan berikut. lakukan hal yangs ama untuk potongan berikutnya, hal ini akan menghasilkan setiap potongan sempurna yang enak dipandang mata.

Black forest roulade

Bahasa klik SINI
Gluten free cake .This recipe is modify from women weekly, It is best to be serve on the same day.
you need :
200 g semi sweet  Hershey's chocolate,
60 ml hot water
1 tbsp instant coffee
1 tsp kahlua
4 eggs at the size of 60g each, separated
110 g coarse sugar
1  tbsp icing sugar, extra

filling :
1 recipe of whipping cream click here
1/2 can of fruits cocktails, drain

Method :
1. Preheat the oven to 180C
2. Grease the the  25cm square pan with margarine, line with parchment paper.
3. in a stainless bowl, fill in chocolate, water, instant coffee and  double boil, stir until chocolate melt, remove from the stove .
4. in a mixer, beat  eggs yolk for 3 minutes, lower the coarse sugar, continue for another 8 or until thick n creamy. Pour into warm chocolate mixture.

5. in another stainless still bowl, beat the egg white, add in a table spoon of icing sugar , continue beating  until soft peaks form . fold half of it  into the chocolate n egg yolk mixture,  continue with the other half. Pour and spread into the prepare pan . back for 8 minutes (with oven fan's on) if your oven didn't get Fan, bake it for 10 minutes
6. Place parchment paper, sieve some icing sugar on top of it, turn cake onto it,remove the parchment paper, cover cake with tea towel, cool cake to room temperature. 
7. mix Whipping cream with fruits cocktails , spread evenly on the cake, roll cake from side by using parchment paper to lift and guide the roll.
8. refrigerated 30 minutes before serving.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Whipped cream

Bahasa Klik SINI
Recipe from the Junior
Ever wonder why the whipping cream decoration at the bakeries hold it shape perfectly? here's the secret.
1 tsp unflavoured gelatine powder
1 tbsp (15 ml)water for Bloom the gelatine powder
240 ml whipping cream
1 tbsp (15 g) coarse sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1. you need a stand mixer with cover. Put the stainless medium size mixing bowl in the fridge, let it cool, it will help to whipped a better whipping cream.
2. Place the gelatine in a stainless bowl, add in the 1 table spoon water, let it Bloom for 5 minutes.
3. a another bigger stainless steel bowl, boil a 3 cm high level of water, place the stainless bowl that contain the bloom gelatine, stir it until it melt,turn off the heat, let the bowl with gelatine stay in the hot water bath.
4. Take out the stainless bowl from the fridge, pour in the whipping cream, whip the cream on high untill soft peak just began to form, pour in the sugar,with the mixer still running beat until the cream stand up in peaks, DON'T OVER MIX, Beat in the Vanilla, follow by the warm gelatine, beat until incorporate. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes but not more than 1 hour. Use immediately.

Cheesy sponge Cake

Recipe adopted from Allan A T.Ingredients :
80 g corn flour
160 g all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
4 eggs, at room temperature, separated
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
240 g Castor sugar, divided into two equal amount
2 tsp vanilla extract (option)
80 g butter, melted, cold

Resep di ambil dari Allan A T
80 g tepung maizena (tepung jagung)
160 g tepung terigu serba guna
1 sdt baking powder
1 sdt soda kueh
4 butir telor (berat 60 g ), diamkan di suhu ruangan, pisahkan kuning telor  dari putih telor
1/2 sdt cream of tartar, untuk stabilkan putih telor
240 g gula pasir, bagi rata menjadi dua bagian sisihkan.
2 sdt Vanilla murni (jika suka)
80 g mentega, cairkan , biarkan dingin.

Butter cream
200 g unsulted butter, at room temperature
50 g icing sugar, sifted
a dust of salt

Krim mentega untuk hiasan:
200 g  mentega tawar, diamkan hingga mencapai suhu ruangan.
50 g gula halus, ayak hanya pada saat mau digunakan.
Garam secukupnya

250 g Kraft Cheddar cheese, shraded, set aside
250 g Keju Kraft, serut, sisihkan untuk menghias

1. Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius, line n grease a 40 cm square cake pan
2. mix corn flour, all purpose flour, baking powder and baking soda together and sift for 3 times, set aside
3. Using a Mixer, on high speed, beat egg yolk for 3 minutes, add in 120 g of castor sugar, vanilla, continue beating to another 8 minutes, or until ribbon stage
4. Beat egg white, by adding 1/2 tsp of cream of tartar for 1 minute, gradually add in 120 g sugar, but until soft peak form, or when you lift up the mixer the top part of the form drop abit.
5. Fold in egg white into egg yolk, add in half part of the flour mixture, fold it by using a spatula or a wooden spoon, use light hand and a few quick strike to fold the flour, Heavy handling of the flour might cause tought and flate sponge.
6. forld 1/3 part of the mixture into the cold melted butter, fold in well, and pour back to the egg mixture.
7. fold in the remaining 1/2 part of flour mixture, remember not to over do it.
8.Pour batter into prepared cake pan, and bake for 20 minutes (in my oven) or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.
9. remove from the oven, let it cold for 5 minutes, unmolding and let it cold on a wire rack.
10. Cream the butter, add in salt n icing sugar, coat on the surface of the cold sponge cake, and garnish with shradded cheese.

1. panaskan oven hingga mencapai suhu 180 C, olesin loyang ukuran 40 X 40 persegi dengan mentega, dan tutup dengan kertas roti, agar saat kueh mudah diangkat saat telah matang.
2. campur menjadi satu, tepung jagung, tepung terigu, baking powder, soda kueh, lalu ayak 3 kali, sisihkan
3. dengan menggunakan mixer, kocok kuning telor dengan kecepatan tinggi selama 3 menit, masukkan 120g gula (setengah dari keseluruhan gula), vanilla murni  kedalam telor, sambil mixer dijalankan, kocok dengan kecepatan menengah selama 8 menit lagi, atau hingga adonan saat di tarik ke atas, jatuhnya dalam bentuk lipatan2 seperti pita.
4. Kocok putih telor, tambahkan cream of tartar, kocok selama 1 menit, lalu secara perlahan tuang gula pasir 120 kedalamnya, karena fungsi putih telor itu mengeringkan, agar menghasilkan kueh yang baik, selalu kocok putih telor hingga mencapai soft peak saja, cara mengetahuinya adalah dengan mengangkat hasil kocokan putih telor tadi, bagian ujung dari putih telor akan jatuh sedikit.
5. campurkan putih telor kesalam kuning telor yang telah di kocok, masukkan setengah bagian dari campuran tepung, aduh hingga pas tercampur, adukan tepung yang terlalu lama, akan mengakibatkan kueh menjadi kenyal dan kurang berkembang , karena efek reaksi kimia dari tepung .
6. Ambil 1/3 dari adonan tadi campurkan kedalam mentega cair yang telah dingin, aduk hingga rata , lalu tuang kembali kedalam campuran kuning telor, aduk, tujuannya adalah mengurangi adonan yang menurun pada saat mentega kita campurkan kedalam adonan.
7.Campurkan sisa setnagh bagian dari tepung, aduk hinga  pas rata, Ingat jangan aduk berlebihan.
8.Tuang adonan kedalam loyang yang telah disiapkan, panggang selama 20menit(diloyangs aya) kalau menggunakan kipas angin di Oven, maka cukup dengan waktu 8 menit, kenali kerja oven anda, test kematangan dengan menusuk bagian tengah dari kueh dengan tusukan sate, tusuk bagian tengah dan saat dicabut harus tanpa ada tempelan basah adonan.
9. Angkat dari Oven, biarkan selama 5 menit, lalu keluarkan dari loyang, dan biarkan dingin di rak pendingin.
10. Kocok mentega, gula halus yang sudah diayak dan garam halus, oleskan di bagian atas kueh yang telah dingin, tabur keju serut, potong sesuai ukuran yang dinginkan dan sajikan.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Udon Teriyaki Chicken noodle soup

a fast preparation meal for two

you need :
2 packets instant fresh Udon. Cook the noodles as directed and drain well

500 ml water, boil
15 ml Kikkoman Teriyaki sauce
15 ml light soya sauce
1 measurement spoon Knorr chicken seasoning powder

1 spring onion, finely cut

1 pcs ready cooked Teriyaki chicken recipe from here , sliced and divide into equal amount.

1. Boil the water, pour in Kikkoman teriyaki sauce, light soya sauce and Knorr chicken seasoning powder, let it boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat and add in cut spring onion.

2. Place udon noodles in the bowl, add in the soup, topped with cut teriyaki chicken. Serve hot.

Makanan Jepang yang bisa di sajikan cepat untuk berdua.

2 pack  udon segar cepat saji, bisa di beli di aneka supermarket. rebus  udon sesuai cara penyajian yang tercantum di kemasan, tiris , sisihkan untuk digunakan nanti.

500 ml air, didihkan
15 ml kecap teriyaki kikkoman
15 ml kecap asin encer
1 sendok ukur penyedap ayam merk Knorr, pilih yang tanpa MSG

1 batang daun bawang, iris tipis.

1 potong ayam teriyaki, resepnya disini , potong setebal 1/2 cm, dan bagi menjadi dua bagian yang sama

1. rebus air hingga mendidih, masukkan kecap teriyaki kikkoman, kecap asin, penyedap knorr, didihkan selama 2 menit, padamkan kompor, masukkan daun bawang yang telah di potong.

2. tata udon dalam mangkok, tuangkan soup, tambahkan ayam teriyaki di atasnya. Sajikan panas.

Chicken Teriyaki

Adapted from Keiko Ishida's recipe , a fast prepare Japanese delicacy

you need:
3 chicken boneless tights, each around 400 g , with a sharp knife, carefully cut the thick part of the meat, to allow the meat to cook through faster

Marinade sauce:
30 ml kikkoman teriyaki sauce
15 ml light soya sauce
1/8 tsp white pepper powder

1 tbsp oil for pan fried

1. Marinate the meat for at least 15 minutes
2. Heat oil over high heat
3. Place the chicken boneless thighs skin side first, cover and pan fry for 3 minutes
4. turn to medium heat, open the lid, and turn over the chicken, cover the lid again, cook for another 4 minutes, pour all the left over marinade sauce and continue to cook until the colour of the chicken meat turn brown or cooked. Serve hot with mayonnaise

Adaptasi dari resep Keiko Ishida
Makanan Japang yang bisa di sajikan  cepat.
3 potong paha ayam tanpa tulang, sayat-sayat bagian daging yg paling tebal, agar mempercepat proses pematangan.

Bumbu perendam:
30 ml perendam kikkoman teriyaki
15 ml kecap asin encer
1/8 sdt bubuk lada putih

1 sdm minyak untuk pemanggangan

1. Rendam paha ayam tanpa tulang dengan bumbu perendam paling sedikit 15 menit
2. panaskan minyak dengan suhu tinggi
3. letakkan paha ayam tanpa tulang dengan sisi  kulit terlebih dahulu, masak dengan wajan tertutup selama 3 menit
4. kecilkan api ke suhu menengah, lalu buku tutup wajan, balik paha ayam tanpa tulang ke sisi berlawanan, tutup kembali wajan, masak selama 4 menit, lalu tuang kedalam wajan sisa bumbu perendam, lanjutkan memasak hingga paha ayam matang atau warnanya menjadi coklat ke emasan. Sajikan panas dengan mayonnaise.
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