My 1st attempt to make this.
Recipe adapted from Po'S kitchen.
Yield 18
cubed broth:
Boil 100 ml chicken broth and 1 g agar agar powder, set aside, it will set at room temperature. when it set, cut into 2 X 2 cm cube
Dumpling's skin
108 g all purpose flour, sifted
63 g Bread flour /high protein flour, sifted
1 and 1/2 tbs cooking oil
110 ml boiling water

1. in a clean bowl, pour in all purpose flour, bread flour.
2. make a well at the centre, add in oil at the centre, follow by boiling water, using a pair of chopsticks. stir it vigorously. . . use your hands to knead the dough for 8 -10 minutes, or until it becomes soft, smooth and bounces back slowly when you poke with your finger. Roll into a log shape with 3 cm diameter. Cover with cling wrap and let it sit for at least 1 hour.
3. After one hour, devide it into 18 pcs round coin shape., or the thickness is around 0.5 cm each.
For the filling :
200 g Minced meat, you can use pork or chicken.
3 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tsp white saseme oil
35 g spring union, only take the bottom part which is white in colour. chopped
2 g white pepper powder
1 tbsp potato flour
10 g dried black fungus, soak in boiling water for 10 mins, chop in into small pieces.
Combine all the ingredients, let it sit for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Recipe adapted from Po'S kitchen.
Yield 18
cubed broth:
Boil 100 ml chicken broth and 1 g agar agar powder, set aside, it will set at room temperature. when it set, cut into 2 X 2 cm cube
Dumpling's skin
108 g all purpose flour, sifted
63 g Bread flour /high protein flour, sifted
1 and 1/2 tbs cooking oil
110 ml boiling water

1. in a clean bowl, pour in all purpose flour, bread flour.
2. make a well at the centre, add in oil at the centre, follow by boiling water, using a pair of chopsticks. stir it vigorously. . . use your hands to knead the dough for 8 -10 minutes, or until it becomes soft, smooth and bounces back slowly when you poke with your finger. Roll into a log shape with 3 cm diameter. Cover with cling wrap and let it sit for at least 1 hour.
3. After one hour, devide it into 18 pcs round coin shape., or the thickness is around 0.5 cm each.
For the filling :

200 g Minced meat, you can use pork or chicken.
3 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tsp white saseme oil
35 g spring union, only take the bottom part which is white in colour. chopped
2 g white pepper powder
1 tbsp potato flour
10 g dried black fungus, soak in boiling water for 10 mins, chop in into small pieces.
Combine all the ingredients, let it sit for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Dust counter with some all purpose flour,using rolling pin roll it inwards from the outer edge of each circle by using your right hand, and turn the dough at clockwise by using your left hand (for left handed, please using the opposite direction) so you maintain a regular circle. Roll as thin as possible.
Fill in 1 tbsp of filling, add cubed broth at the centre , pinch pleat, or anyother shape that you like.
Steam for 12 minutes. Serve hot with dipping sauce.
Fill in 1 tbsp of filling, add cubed broth at the centre , pinch pleat, or anyother shape that you like.

Tips : the bigger the cubed broth , the juicier inside.
Dipping sauce :
Combine 1/2 cup of black vineger and 5 cm of young ginger, slice thinly strips
Resep adaptasi dari Po's Kitchen
sering merasakan enaknya sup yg keluar dari xiao long bao saat sigigit didalam mult ??? ini caranya
Menghasilkan 18 biji bao kecil.
Kaldu beku:
Godok 100 ml kaldu ayam dengan 1 gram tepung agar agar hingga mendidih, sisihkan biarakn dingin dan membentuk, potong dalam bentuk dadu sekitar 2 cm
Kulit :
108 g tepung terigu biasa, ayak.
63 g tepung roti, atau tepung ber protein tinggi, ayak.
1.5 sdm minyak sayur
110 ml air mendidih
1. sediakan mangkok bersih, campurkan tepung terigu biasa dengan tepung terigu berprotein tinggi.
2. bentuk lobang sumur di tengahnya, tuang kedalamnya minyak sayur, air panas. Gunakan sepasang sumpit, aduk dengan penuh tenaga, hingga tercampur rata, Gunakan tangan adon adonan seperti bikin roti, sampai licin, kira-kira 8 - 10 menit. atau menjadi licin, halus dan saat jari tangan menekannya, bekasnya akan pelan2 naik kembali.
gulung dalam bentuk balok dengan diameter sekira 3 cm, bungkus dengan Cling wrap, dan diamkan dalam kulkas paling sedikit 1 jam.
3. Setelah satu jam, iris2 dengan ketebalan 0.5 cm atau bagi kedalam 18 potong yg berbentu bulat mata uang koin.
Untuk isi:
200 g daging giling, boleh daging babi atau daging ayam
3 sdm kecap asin encer
1 sdt minyak wijen putih
35 g daun bawang, ambil bagian putih di paling bawah, lalu cincang halus
2 g bubuk lada putih
1 sdm tepung kentang.
10 g jamur kuping tikus yg kering, cuci bersih, lalu rendam dalam air mendidih selama 10 menit, potong halus
Campur semua bahan jadi satu , remes2 dengan tangan dan biarkan menyerap selama 30 menit didalam kulkas.
Beri sedikit tepung pada talenan, letakan kulit adonan yg telah di bagi-bagi, giling dengan arah ke tengah lingkaran dengan tangan kanan, tangan kiri memutar adonan dengan arah sesuai jarum jam ( kl anda left handed, gunakan kebalikannya) sehingga akan menghasilkan lingkaran yg sempurna, giling setipis mungkin.
Isi 1 sdm campuran daging ke bagian tengah dr kulit, tambahkan kaldu beku yang telah di potong dadu di tengahnya, lalu bungkus denagn cara mencubit bagian luar dr kulir, atau bentuk apa saja yg di kehendaki, usahakan tertutup rapat supaya cairan kaldu beku tidak tumpah keluar.
Stim selama 12 menit, sajikan panas, dan gunakan sambel cuka
Tips : makin besar kaldu beku yg di sini akan semakin banyak cairan di dalam bao.
sambel cuka:
Campurkan 1/2 gelas ( 100 ml) cuka hitam dengan 5 cm jahe muda, yang di iris tipis memanjang.
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