Breakfast for 4
finely chopped:
4 shallots
2 garlics
1 cup of cooked overnight rice
1 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tsp sweet soya sauce, I use Indonesia ABC brand sweet soya sauce.
1/4 tsp white pepper (optional)
10 g black fungus, soak with water, chopped
50 g small prawn
3 cm of carrot, chopped
1 spring union chopped
4 eggs, for making sunny side-up egg
4 slice of cheese
4 slice of mozzarella
Salt to taste
Method :
Heat a wok of a frying pan, add in 1 tbsp cooking oil, add in finely chopped garlics n shallots, stir until the fragrant smell come out, pour in the overnight cooked rice, under a low heat, keep stirring for 5 minutes. Add in prawn, chopped back fungus, chopped carrots, stir for another 5 minutes. Add in salt, pepper, light soya sauce, and swee soya sauce, stir for another 5 minutes. remove from the stove. devide equally into 4 soufflé dishes , cover it with mozzarella, and top it with cheese, bake it for 5 minutes in oven toaster, take it out. cover with sunny side-up egg, and bake again for another 5 minutes. Serve hot.
finely chopped:
4 shallots
2 garlics
1 cup of cooked overnight rice
1 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tsp sweet soya sauce, I use Indonesia ABC brand sweet soya sauce.
1/4 tsp white pepper (optional)
10 g black fungus, soak with water, chopped
50 g small prawn
3 cm of carrot, chopped
1 spring union chopped
4 eggs, for making sunny side-up egg
4 slice of cheese
4 slice of mozzarella
Salt to taste
Method :
Heat a wok of a frying pan, add in 1 tbsp cooking oil, add in finely chopped garlics n shallots, stir until the fragrant smell come out, pour in the overnight cooked rice, under a low heat, keep stirring for 5 minutes. Add in prawn, chopped back fungus, chopped carrots, stir for another 5 minutes. Add in salt, pepper, light soya sauce, and swee soya sauce, stir for another 5 minutes. remove from the stove. devide equally into 4 soufflé dishes , cover it with mozzarella, and top it with cheese, bake it for 5 minutes in oven toaster, take it out. cover with sunny side-up egg, and bake again for another 5 minutes. Serve hot.
Porsi sarapan untuk 4 orang
bahan2 halus :
4 siung bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
masak 1 canting beras, n nginapkan untuk digunakan keesokkan harinya.
1 sdm minyak sayur untuk tumis
2 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm kecap amnis, saya gunakan kecap manis merk ABC
1/3 sdt bubuk lada putih (kl suka)
10 g jamur kuping tikus, rendam dengan air, lalu potong halus.
50 g udang kecil
3 cm wortel, potong kecil2
1 batang daun bawang, iris halus2
4 butir telor, untuk bikin telor mata sapi.
4 lembar keju
4 lembar mozzarella
Garam sedikit saja.
caranya :
panaskan wajan, masukan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi, masukkan nasi , aduk2 selama 5 menit, tambahkan udang, wortel, jamur kuping tikus, aduk 5 menit lagi, lalu tambahkan garam, aduk2 bentar, masukkan kecap asin, kecap manis dan bubuk lada putih, aduk2 lagi 5 menit, matikan kompor, bagi2 nasi ke dalam 4 mangkok kecil tahan panas, bagian pertama di beri mozzarella, lalu di ikuti dengan lembaran keju, panggang di oven Toaster selama 5 menit, api atas saja.... keluarkan dari Oven lalu beri lapisan terakir yaitu telor mata sapi.. panggan lagi 5 menit. Siap di makan, sajikan panas.
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