Serving size : 6 persons
Ingredients :
1 chicken
0.5 kg rice , wash, drain, set aside.
Finely chopped
5 clove old garlic
5 cm ginger
2 Lemongrass
3 stalks Pandan leaves
2 table spoon sesame oil
Method :
1. Clean the chicken n pat dry. Rub the inside and skin with salt, stuff inside the chicken with lots of slice ginger and spring onion. set aside
2. Fry the finely chopped ingredients with saseme oil until fragrant before adding the washed rice, add in pandan Leaves and salt to taste. continue frying until the rice is coated with oil. Add water to the mixture until the water rice 1 cm above the rice ( for richer taste replace water with chicken stock) keep stiring until all the water evaporated. turn off the stove let it cool down.
3. boil water in the steamming pot, steam the half cook rice, place a stand over the rice to hold the chicken, and steam it for 25 minutes. coat the chicken with saseme oil, cut into bite size, serve with rice , light soya sauce, Chilli paste and julienne of spring onion. Bon Appetit!
chilly paste :
Fine ingredients:
90 g red chilli paddy
15 g garlic
50 g ginger
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
60 ml lime juice
Add all fine ingredients with salt, sugar and lime juice, stir well.
Ingredients :
1 chicken
0.5 kg rice , wash, drain, set aside.
Finely chopped
5 clove old garlic
5 cm ginger
2 Lemongrass
3 stalks Pandan leaves
2 table spoon sesame oil
Method :
1. Clean the chicken n pat dry. Rub the inside and skin with salt, stuff inside the chicken with lots of slice ginger and spring onion. set aside
2. Fry the finely chopped ingredients with saseme oil until fragrant before adding the washed rice, add in pandan Leaves and salt to taste. continue frying until the rice is coated with oil. Add water to the mixture until the water rice 1 cm above the rice ( for richer taste replace water with chicken stock) keep stiring until all the water evaporated. turn off the stove let it cool down.
3. boil water in the steamming pot, steam the half cook rice, place a stand over the rice to hold the chicken, and steam it for 25 minutes. coat the chicken with saseme oil, cut into bite size, serve with rice , light soya sauce, Chilli paste and julienne of spring onion. Bon Appetit!
chilly paste :
Fine ingredients:
90 g red chilli paddy
15 g garlic
50 g ginger
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
60 ml lime juice
Add all fine ingredients with salt, sugar and lime juice, stir well.
porsi 6 orang
1 ekor ayam
1/2 kilo beras, cuci bersih, tiris, sisihkan
air untuk menanak nasi, kl mau lebih legit rasa nasinya , gantikan air dengan kaldu ayam.
haluskan :
5 siung bawang putih tua, 5 cm jahe tua, 2 batang sere
bumbu lain :
3 helai daun pandan wangi, 2 SM minyak wijen.
caranya :
1. Bersihkan ayam, keringkan. bedakin bagian dalam dan kulit ayam dengan garam halus, isi perut ayam dengan irisan jahe dan daun bawang bagian putihnya sampai penuh, lalu tutup dengan menggunakan tusuk gigi, tujuannya supaya wangi jahe dan daun bawang tertahan didalam perut ayam, sehingga daging ayam menjadi lezat. sisihkan.
2. tumis bumbu halus dengan minyak wijen hingga wangi, masukkan beras, aduk hingga beras tercampur rata dengan minyak, lalu tuang air/kaldu ayam , ukuran air satu cm dari atas beras, masukkan daun pandan, aron. sisihkan, tunggu dingin siap di kukus.
3. panaskan panci kukusan, nasi aron masuk terlebih dahulu, lalu pasang penyanggah diatas beras aron, letakan ayam di atasnya, kukus selama 25 menit. setelah itu angkat ayam, olesin dengan minyak wijen, potong sesuai ukuran yang di inginkan, sajikan dengan kecap asin dan sambel, hias dengan daun bawang.
sambel cabe:
haluskan 90 g cabe merah, 15 g bawang putih, 50 g jahe. campurkan dengan 1 sdt garam, 1 sdt gula, dan 60 ml air jeruk nipis, aduk hingga tercampur rata, air jeruk nipis boleh digantikan dengan asam cuka. Selamat menikmati !
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