
This blog is dedicated to my children, siblings , close relatives, close friends and to everyone who appreciate and enjoy the beauty of sharing. All have been tested @ my kitchen , which suits my family taste. Hope it suits yours too and thanks for stopping by.


Blog ini dipersembahkan untuk anak2 ku, saudara2 ku , sepupu2, temen2 dekat , semua orang yang menghargai dan menikmati indahnya "Berbagi". Semua resep2 ini telah di coba di dapur saya, cocok dengan selera keluarga saya, harapan besar saya, semoga sesuai juga dengan anda .Terima kasih untuk mampir ke blog saya.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spicy longbean ChinChaLok

Chinese long beans, some called yardlong beans, long-podded cowpeas, snake beans and numerous other names. It's an easy and cheap vegetable, available for whole year round. Kacang panjang, sayuran murah gampang di olah dan tersedia sepanjang tahun.

For this mince Cingcalo longbean, you need :
2 garlic, finely chopped
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 Lemon grass , finely chopped
2 big red chilly, finely chopped
2 tbsp Chinchalok Paste, available at any supermarket
10 long bean, cut into 4 cm
Mince meat, you use, Pork, Chicken or beef
1 tbsp cooking oil
2 siung bawang putih, potong halus
2 bawang merah , potong halus
1 batang sere, potong halus
2 buah cabe besar, potong halus
2 sdm Chinchalok, bisa di beli di supermarket
Kacang panjang, potong sekitar 4 cm
daging giling, bisa pakai daging babi, ayam atau sapi
1 sdm minyak untuk tumis

Method :
1. Heat the oil in a small wok, using high heat, pour in finely chopped garlics, shallots, lemon grass and red chilly fry until Aromatic add in mince meat, stir ultil meat liquid has evaporated.
2. add in ChinChalok paste, stir-fry for about 3 minutes or until fragrant
3. Add in the cut long bean, stir for another 1 to 2 minutes, remove from the wok and serve hot.

Caranya :
1. Panaskan minyak di wajan kecil, api besar, masukkan bawang putih halus, bawang merah halus, sere halus, cabe halus, tumsi hingga wangi, masukkan daging giling, aduk hingga semua cairan daging menguap.
2. tambahkan Chinchalok(sejenis udang kecil yg di asinkan), tumis sekitar 3 menit atau hingga tercium aroma wangi
3. tambahkan kacang panjang, aduk sekitar 1 sampai 2 menit, matikan kompor dan siap di sajikan.

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