Adapted this recipe from Fresh & tasty Chocolate box
Love this recipe so much, It taste so Yummy for me and my family .
you need :
Dry Ingredients:
265 g plain flour
2 tsps baking powder
86 g Valrhona Chocolate powder, or any good quality chocolate.
1 tsp Cinnamon
others ingerdients:
370 g unsalted butter, I use Elle & Vire from Franch
490 g sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
6 large eggs
2 tbsps instant coffee powder, I use Nescafe
3 tbsps hot water
1 cup buttermilk, I use Dairy farmer's brand
Method :
-Preheat Oven @ 180 degree C
1.Mix together all the dry ingredients, Plain flour, baking powder, Valrhona cocoa, Cinnamon,
freshly Shifted, set aside.
2.Mix together the instant coffee powder and hot water, pour in buttermilk, set aside.
-Cream the butter , sugar and Vanilla until the mixture is thick and light.
-Add the eggs, one at a time.
- Add half od misture #1 and #2, fold with a wooden spoon until welmix, and add in the other halfs
-Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake with dimention 35 x 28 cm for 33 minutes or until toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake emerges with a few sticky crumbs attached. Remove from the Oven n allowed the cake to cool compeletely in its pan
Decorate it according to your design after the cake is totally cool.
you need :
Dry Ingredients:
265 g plain flour
2 tsps baking powder
86 g Valrhona Chocolate powder, or any good quality chocolate.
1 tsp Cinnamon
others ingerdients:
370 g unsalted butter, I use Elle & Vire from Franch
490 g sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
6 large eggs
2 tbsps instant coffee powder, I use Nescafe
3 tbsps hot water
1 cup buttermilk, I use Dairy farmer's brand
Method :
-Preheat Oven @ 180 degree C
1.Mix together all the dry ingredients, Plain flour, baking powder, Valrhona cocoa, Cinnamon,
freshly Shifted, set aside.
2.Mix together the instant coffee powder and hot water, pour in buttermilk, set aside.
-Cream the butter , sugar and Vanilla until the mixture is thick and light.
-Add the eggs, one at a time.
- Add half od misture #1 and #2, fold with a wooden spoon until welmix, and add in the other halfs
-Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake with dimention 35 x 28 cm for 33 minutes or until toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake emerges with a few sticky crumbs attached. Remove from the Oven n allowed the cake to cool compeletely in its pan
Decorate it according to your design after the cake is totally cool.
If at your town didn't sell any buttermilk, make your won by adding
1 Tbsp of Lemon Juice or White Vinegar into 200 ml Skim milk. Let's stand for half to one hour, ready to be used.
Kueh yang sangat lezat!
aduk semua bahan kering jadi satu dan ayak
265 g tepung terigu biasa
2 sdt baking powder
86 g tepung cocoa merk Valrhona, atau tepung cocoa lain yg bermutu tinggi.
1 sdt tepung kayu manis
bahan2 lainnya :
370 g mentega tawar, saya menggunakan merk Elle & Vire keluaran Prancis
490 g gula pasir
1 sdt vanilla extract
6 butir telor ukuran besar , 60- 65g per butir
2 sdm buku kopi instant, saya menggunakan Nescafe
3 sdm air mendidih
200 ml buttermilk, saya menggunakan merk Dairy's Farmer.
Caranya :
- Panaskan Oven hingga mencapai suhu 180 derajat Selsius
#1 campur rata semua bahan kering, ayak, dan sisihkan
#2 Siram air panas kedalam bubuk kopi instan, aduk hingga rata, lalu tuangkan kedalam Buttermilk, aduk lagi , sisihkan.
- Kocok mentega, gula dan vanilla extract, hingga lembut adonannya, tambahkan telor, sambil di kocok terus, satu persatu.
- Campurkan kedalamnya 1/2 bagian dr campuran #1, dan 1/2 bagian campuran #2. Aduk hingga rata, lalu lanjutkan dengan sisa 1/2 bagian dari masing2 campuran itu.
- tuang adonan kedalam cetakan ukuran persegi 35 X 38 cm dan panggang selama 33 menit, atau hingga saat anda menusuk bagian tengah kueh tersebut dengan tusuk gigi, saat anda angkat kembali, tusuk gigi kering tanpa ada tempelan adonan basah. Keluarkan dari Oven, tunggu kueh menjadi dingin. hiaslah sesuai rancangan anda. di atas ada contoh design saya.
Bagaimana kalau di kota saya tidak menjual butter milk?? gampang bikin sendiri
200 ml Skim milk atau susu kadar lemak rendah
1 Sdm jus lemon atau cuka putih
campurkan ke dua larutan ini dan diamkan antara 30 menit sampai 1 jam, siapa digunakan
Kueh yg mengandung baking powder akan terasa makin lembut dengan campuran buttermilk didalamnya.
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