Recipe adapted from Paula Deen
Molten Lava cake??? ..one bite and you will feel Aaaahhhhhhh ..... the gooey hot chocolate oozing out from the crispy outer layer . It's easy to make with some tips :D , do not over bake it, Oven should be preheat and hot!
you need 6 souffle cups
145 g semisweet chocolate , I use Hershey's semi sweet chocolate chips
140 g unsalted butter , I use Elle & Vire
3 large egg ( 60g each including egg shell)
3 large egg yolks
100 g powdered sugar
60 g all purpose flour , shifted
1 tsp vanilla extract
Method :
1.Preheat the Oven to 180 degree C for at least 15 minutes
2. Melt the chocolates and butter in the microwave, or in a double boiler until melted, let it cool.
3. whisk eggs and egg yolks by using a balloon whisker for 2 minutes. whisk in sugar,add in vanilla extract, blend until smooth, stir in chocolate mixture and flour. The batter can be chilled in a few hours inthe frige if you are not baking it immediately.
4. Divide the batter evenly among 6 custard cups. Place in the centre rack of the oven and bake for 6 minutes in my Rowenta Oven ,for batter that is not refreigerated.
Molten Lava cake??? ..one bite and you will feel Aaaahhhhhhh ..... the gooey hot chocolate oozing out from the crispy outer layer . It's easy to make with some tips :D , do not over bake it, Oven should be preheat and hot!
you need 6 souffle cups
145 g semisweet chocolate , I use Hershey's semi sweet chocolate chips
140 g unsalted butter , I use Elle & Vire
3 large egg ( 60g each including egg shell)
3 large egg yolks
100 g powdered sugar
60 g all purpose flour , shifted
1 tsp vanilla extract
Method :
1.Preheat the Oven to 180 degree C for at least 15 minutes
2. Melt the chocolates and butter in the microwave, or in a double boiler until melted, let it cool.
3. whisk eggs and egg yolks by using a balloon whisker for 2 minutes. whisk in sugar,add in vanilla extract, blend until smooth, stir in chocolate mixture and flour. The batter can be chilled in a few hours inthe frige if you are not baking it immediately.
4. Divide the batter evenly among 6 custard cups. Place in the centre rack of the oven and bake for 6 minutes in my Rowenta Oven ,for batter that is not refreigerated.
5.Test the side of the cake with a toothpick. The edges should be firm but the center should be wobbly. let it cool for 3-5 minutes. Run a knife around the edges to loosen and invert onto dessert plates.
6. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.
6. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.
modifikasi dari resep Paula Deen
Rasakan sensasi kueh ini, bagian luar kueh yang kering, disertai coklat meleleh di bagian tengah, makanya dia dinamakan kueh Lahar! sangat nikmat disuguhkan dengan es-krim Vanilla. Hahah lupakan Diet anda, nikmati kueh ini. cara membuatnya mudah sekali dengan beberapa trik yang HARUS!!! di turuti. jangan pangang kelamaan! Oven harus di panaskan terlebih dahulu dan harus panas suhunya.
siapkan 6 custard cup, sekali pakai bisa didapatkan di toko2 yang menjual bahan2 kueh.
145 g semi sweet Hershey's coklat chips
140 g mentega (butter) type tidak asin, saya gunakan merk Elle n Vire
3 butir telor utuh, ukuran 60g kalau di timbang beserta cangkangnya telor
3 butir kuning telor, ukuran sama dengan yang di atas.
100 g gula halus
60 g tepung terigu serba guna, jangan lupa diayak.
1 sdt ekstrak vanilla, bisa bikin sendiri, caranya vanilla segar di belah melintang , lalu rendam selama 2 bulan dalam Vodka bening atau rum, simpan di ruangan gelap jauh dari cahaya matahari, sekali2 di goncang2.
1. Panaskan Oven ke suhu 230 derajat Selsius, selama 15 menit!!!
2. Lelehkan coklat dan mentega di dalam microwave atau pakai di stim di atas air yg mendidih, perlu di ingat coklat tidak boleh di panakan langsung tanpa di stim dengan media air panas. Aduk2 hinga bener2 meleleh, angkat dan sisihkan, biarkan dingin mulailah bekerja untuk proses berikut,
3. Kocok 3telor utuh plus 3 kuning telor pakai kocokan tangan yang berbentuk balon selama 2 menit, kemudian masukkan gula halus, teruskan mengocok, hingga gula larut, kira-kira 1 menit. tambahkan vanila ekstrak, aduk2 hinga rata, lalu masukkan coklat tadi yang masih terasa hangat hangat kuku , tidak panas mendidih, terakhir masukkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga rata, kalau tidak sempat memanggang saat itu boleh di simpan adonan ini di dalam kulkas selama beberapa jam, asalkan pakai wadah tertutup.
4. Bagi adonan merata ke dalam 6 custard cup, panggang di bagian tengah oven, ingat suhu harus 230 derajat Selsius, kalau di oven Rowenta saya hanya perlu 6 menit! dengan adonan tanpa masuk ke kulkas. pelajari oven anda.
5. Test bagian pinggir sekali dari kueh dengan tusuk gigi, kalau saat di cabut udah kering, kueh sudah matang, dan bagian tengah HARUS masih meleleh, angkat dan biarkan selama 3-5 menit di luar oven.
6. Sobek custard cup nya dan hidangkan Panas dengan satu sendok es-krim di atasnya....
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