1 recipe 20 cm (8-inch) cake crust click here
Resep di adaptasi dari Junior's
1 resep 20 cm (8 inci) lapisan dasar kueh, klik SINI
500 g Cream cheese ( 2 packages) at room temperature
180 g coarse sugar
16 g cornstarch, sifted

1 egg (65g) + 1 yolk
500 g Krim keju ( 2 kotak) biarkan di meja hingga mencapai suhu ruangan
180 g gula pasir
16 g tepung jagung (maizena), ayak
15 ml vanilla murni
1 butir telor (berat 65 g) + 1 kuning telor

2. prepare the cake base
3. Take 250 g of cream cheese, using a mixer, cream it until creamy with low speed for 2 minutes, then add in 60 g coarse sugar, mix for another 3 minutes, blend in the remaining 250 g cream cheese, scraping down the bowl several times. Mix for another 5 minutes.
4. add in the remaining 120 g sugar, mix well, add in the vanilla, follow by egg, beat in the cream just until completely blended, add in cornstarch, do not overmix. Gently spoon the batter over the crust.
5.Place the cake in a large shallow pan containing hot water that comes about 1 inch up the sides of the spring form. bake for 1 to 1 1/4 hour or until light golden brown, and the top is slightly golden tan. Always bake in water bath, so do check the water level in the oven during baking time.

6. To serve, release and remove the sides of the springform, removed the bottom of the pan. Place on a cake plate, cover the cake with a cake box n keep in the refrigerator, serve cold.
7. Garnish with Whipping cream CLICK HERE and fresh strawberries
8. to have a perfect cut, slice the cold cake with a sharp straight-edge knife. Before making that first slice, warm the knife under hot running water and wipe it dry.After cutting each slice and befoer making the next one, wipe the knife clean with a warm wet towel, this will make every slice clean and picture perfect.

2. siapkan dasarnya kueh
3. kocok 250g krim keju dengan kecepatan rendah selama 2 menit, lalu tambahkan 60 g gula pasir, lanjutkan kocok selama 3 menit, tambahkan sisa satu kotak (250g) krim keju , lanjutkan kocok 5 menit lagi sambil dikerok bagian dasar baskom agar krim keju terkocok rata.

5. Siapkan loyang besar didalam oven, isi dengan air mendidih, kira2 menggenangi loyang setinggi 1 cm, lalu letakkan loyang berisi adonan tadi, panggang selama 1 hingga 1 1/4 jam, hingga berwarna coklat keemasan, Kueh harus di panggang dengan cara Bain-Marie, selalu check jumlah air didalam oven saat proses pembakaran berlangsung.

6. ke esokan hari lepaskan spring loyang, lepaskan bagian dasar loyang , lalupindahkan kueh ke piring sajian. Bagian dasar akan rusak , kalau sering di sayat2 pisau tajam saat pemotongan kueh. simpan kueh dalam kotak, lalu masukkan ke kulkas, sajikan dingin.
7. Hias dengan whipping krim KLIK SINI, dan buah stroberi segar.
8. Untuk mnghasilkan potongan sempurna, gunakan pisau tajam, siram dengan air panas, lap hingga kering, lalu potong. Setalh potongan pertama, bersihkan pisau dengan lap hangat, lalulanjutkan dengan potongan berikut. lakukan hal yangs ama untuk potongan berikutnya, hal ini akan menghasilkan setiap potongan sempurna yang enak dipandang mata.
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