1 recipe silky creme anglaise coffee butter cream recipe here
1 recipe shiny ganache glaze recipe here
Espresso syrup.
Mix together
120 ml basic heavy syrup ==> boil 80 ml water with132 g sugar and 1 tsp light corn syrup
1 tbsp instant coffee dissolved in 120 ml hot water
1. You can prepare Silky creme anglaise coffee butter cream one day in advance.

3. Cover the whole cake with the remaining Silky creme anglaise coffee butter cream , bring it back to the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
4. Apply the room temperature ganache over the whole cake.Chil overnight in the refrigerator in a covered cake dish.
Resep dari Bakewise:
1 resep kueh La joconde , klik sini
1 resep Silky creme anglaise coffee butter cream, klik sini
1 resep shiny ganache glaze, klik sini
Sirup espreso:
120 ml sirup gula ==> didihkan 80 ml air dengan 132 g gula pasir dan 1 sdt sirup light corn
1 sdm bubuk kopi instant dengan 120 ml air mendidih.
Caranya :
1. Silky creme anglaise coffee butter cream, bisa dikerjakan sehari sebelumnya.

3. tutup merata seluruh kueh dengan Silky creme anglaise coffee butter cream, simpan kembali ke dalam kulkas/petisejuk selama 15 menit.
4. oleskan secara merata lapisan shiny ganache glaze suhu ruangan ke seluruh permukaan kueh, dinginkan di kulkas semalaman dengan keadaan kueh tertutup rapat dengan penutup kueh.
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