For Cheese lover, a non bake cheese cake , except for the crust.
125 g butter
25 g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
175 g all purpose flour , freshly shifted
Cream the butter for 5 minutes, add in the icing sugar beat until creamy for another 5 minutes at medium speed. add the yolk, beat until wellmix. Fold in the flour bit by bit.
Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius Spread thinly on a square baking pan, bake for 20-25 minutes, or until it turn golden brown. let it cool.
Break into chunks. place in a blender and pulse untuil finely ground.
prepare a 12" spring- form pan .Using your hands press firmly into a even layer on the bottom of pan. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before using.
1 tbsp Gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
225 g cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup or 115 g icing sugar
60 ml fresh orange juice
1/2 tsp orange zest
300 g whipping cream, whipped
2 punnet of strawberries, cut into 2 or 3
1. Soak gelatine with water for 10 minutes. Warm over low heat until gelatine has dissolved. leave to cool.
2. Cream the cheese cream for 3 minutes, add in sugar, orange Juice, orange zest, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended or around 3 minutes. Add in Gelatine mix it well.
3. chill in the refrigerator until slight;y thickened, fold in whipped cream. Pour over crust, top with strawberries, chill for 2 hours.
2 hours later prepare topping:
2 tbsp gelatine
4 tbsp water
2 1/2 tbsp sugar
6 tbsp water
a few drops Red food colouring
1. Soak the gelatine with 2 tbsp of water for 10 minutes
2. in a smallpan prepare to heat 6 tbsp water with 2 1/2 tbsp sugar, until sugar has completely dissolved. remove from the stove, pour into the gelatine mixture and stir until completely melted, tint with red food colouring.
3. Pour over partially set filling and distribute evenly. Refrigerate for one hour and serve.
untuk penggemar Cheese, Cheese cake tanpa di panggang. Kecuali bagian dasarnya.
Lapisan dasar:
125 g mentega
25 g gula halus
1 butir kuning telor
175 g tepung terigu biasa , ayak saat mau digunakan.
125 g butter
25 g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
175 g all purpose flour , freshly shifted
Cream the butter for 5 minutes, add in the icing sugar beat until creamy for another 5 minutes at medium speed. add the yolk, beat until wellmix. Fold in the flour bit by bit.
Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius Spread thinly on a square baking pan, bake for 20-25 minutes, or until it turn golden brown. let it cool.
Break into chunks. place in a blender and pulse untuil finely ground.
prepare a 12" spring- form pan .Using your hands press firmly into a even layer on the bottom of pan. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before using.
1 tbsp Gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
225 g cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup or 115 g icing sugar
60 ml fresh orange juice
1/2 tsp orange zest
300 g whipping cream, whipped
2 punnet of strawberries, cut into 2 or 3
1. Soak gelatine with water for 10 minutes. Warm over low heat until gelatine has dissolved. leave to cool.
2. Cream the cheese cream for 3 minutes, add in sugar, orange Juice, orange zest, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended or around 3 minutes. Add in Gelatine mix it well.
3. chill in the refrigerator until slight;y thickened, fold in whipped cream. Pour over crust, top with strawberries, chill for 2 hours.
2 hours later prepare topping:
2 tbsp gelatine
4 tbsp water
2 1/2 tbsp sugar
6 tbsp water
a few drops Red food colouring
1. Soak the gelatine with 2 tbsp of water for 10 minutes
2. in a smallpan prepare to heat 6 tbsp water with 2 1/2 tbsp sugar, until sugar has completely dissolved. remove from the stove, pour into the gelatine mixture and stir until completely melted, tint with red food colouring.
3. Pour over partially set filling and distribute evenly. Refrigerate for one hour and serve.
untuk penggemar Cheese, Cheese cake tanpa di panggang. Kecuali bagian dasarnya.
Lapisan dasar:
125 g mentega
25 g gula halus
1 butir kuning telor
175 g tepung terigu biasa , ayak saat mau digunakan.
Kocok mentega selama 5 menit dengan kecepatan menengah di mixer, tambahkan gula halus lanjutkan kocok selama 5 menit, masukkan kuning telor, kocok hingga kecampur rata, gunakan sendok kayu, aduk tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit dengan adukan satu arah.
Panaskan Oven hingga 180 derajat Selsius, ratakan adonan ke loyang persegi, panggang selama 20-25 menit, atau hingga berwarna kecoklatan. biarkan dingin.
Panaskan Oven hingga 180 derajat Selsius, ratakan adonan ke loyang persegi, panggang selama 20-25 menit, atau hingga berwarna kecoklatan. biarkan dingin.
masukkan ke dalam blender, atau menggunakan cobek, haluskan panggangan ini hingga halus.
siapkan loyang khusus cheese cake bulat ukuran 12 inci, gunakan tangan, tekan2 hingga tersebar merata di dasar loyang, masukan ke kulkas, dinginkan selama paling dikit satu jam. boleh di diamkan hingga keesokkan hari.
Bagian isi :
1 sdm bubuk gelatine
2 sdm air
225 g cream cheese
115 g gula halus
60 ml Jus orange
1/2 sdt parutan kulit orange
300 g whipping cream.
2 box strawberri segar, belah jadi dau atau 3 bagian, tergantung besar kecil ukurannya.
1. Rendam gelatin dengan 2 sdm air dalam wadah tahan panas, istilahnya bloom biarkan selama 10 menit.,nyalakan kompor, didihkan air di wajan, letakkan gelatin yang telah di bloom tadi , aduk hingga gelatin larut dan mencair. sisihkan
2. Kocok cream cheese dengan kecepatan menengah, 3 menit, masukkan gula, parutan kulit orange, jus orange, kocok lagi 3 menit, lalu tuang larutan gelatin kedalam, kocok hingga rata.
3. masukkan di kulkas.
4. Kocok shipping cream, hingga mulai membeku, ingat kalau di kocok terus, whpping cream malah akan mencair kembali. keluarkan campuran cream cheese dari kulkas, lalu aduk whipping cream kedalamnya dengan sendok kayu, hingga merata. Tuang ke atas lapisan dasar yang telah di siapkan tadi, tata dengan strawberry, dinginkan di kulkas selama 2 jam.
2 jam kemudian siapkan topping:
2 sdm tepung gelatin
4 sdm air
2 1/2 sdm gula pasir
6 sdm air
beberapa tetes pewarna makanan merah.
1. rendam gelatin dalam 4 sdm air, diamkan selama 10 menit
2. masak gula pasir dalam 6 sdm air, hingga gulanya larut, tuang kedalam campuran gelatin aduk hingga semua tercampur rata, beri pewaran makanan merah.
3. Keluarkan cheese cake dari kulkas , dan tuang rata di bagian atas dari kueh, dingin kembali selama satu jam, siap di sajikan.
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