This is a food most Teo Chew grew up with, it can be serve with rice, noodle or congee.
you need:
1 whole duck , around 1 1/2 kg
8 g of 5 spice powder, you can buy it from any Chinese medicine stall.
10 g salt
2 tbsp coarse sugar, for caramelize
1 tbsp cooking oil, for caramelize
290 g Galangal/ blue ginger , sliced
8 cloves garlic
100 ml dark soya sauce
2 pcs star aniseed
1 stick cinnamon
1 litre of water
you need:
1 whole duck , around 1 1/2 kg
8 g of 5 spice powder, you can buy it from any Chinese medicine stall.
10 g salt
2 tbsp coarse sugar, for caramelize
1 tbsp cooking oil, for caramelize
290 g Galangal/ blue ginger , sliced
8 cloves garlic
100 ml dark soya sauce
2 pcs star aniseed
1 stick cinnamon
1 litre of water
method :
1. wash the duck, drain well.
2. Combine 5 spice powder with salt, and rub on the outer n inner side of the duck. keep in the fridge for at least one hour.
3. after one hour, under low heat, pour in oil, add sugar, and caramelize sugar till golden brown.
4. while you are caramelize the sugar, stuff in garlic and sliced galangal into the abdomen of the duck, seal the bottom part with a thing skewer.
5. put the duck into the caramelize sugar, add in dark soya sauce, star aniseed and cinnamon, cover the wok, and cook with low heat. occasionally turn over the duck, for around 25 minutes, or until the soya sauce get thicker.
6. add in 1 litre of water and continue cooking under the low heat for another 35 minutes. Occasionally turn over the duck.
1. wash the duck, drain well.
2. Combine 5 spice powder with salt, and rub on the outer n inner side of the duck. keep in the fridge for at least one hour.
3. after one hour, under low heat, pour in oil, add sugar, and caramelize sugar till golden brown.
4. while you are caramelize the sugar, stuff in garlic and sliced galangal into the abdomen of the duck, seal the bottom part with a thing skewer.
5. put the duck into the caramelize sugar, add in dark soya sauce, star aniseed and cinnamon, cover the wok, and cook with low heat. occasionally turn over the duck, for around 25 minutes, or until the soya sauce get thicker.
6. add in 1 litre of water and continue cooking under the low heat for another 35 minutes. Occasionally turn over the duck.
Umumnya semua keturunan Teochew akrab dengan makanan khas ini, bisa di makan dengan nasi, mie atau bubur.
bahan2 :
1 ekor bebek utuh, sekitar 1.5 kg
8 g bubuk ngohiang, bisa di beli di kedai obat Chinese
10 g garam halus dapur
2 sdm gula pasir, untuk caramel
1 sdm minyak sayur, untuk caramel
290 g langkuas iris tipis
8 siung bawang putih
100 ml kecap asin kental (dark soya sauce)
2 pekkak
1 potong kayu manis
1 liter air
caranya :
1. cuci bebek hingga bersih, tiriskan hingga kering
2. campurkan bubuk ngohiang dengan garam halus, oleskan ke permukaan bebek dan bagian dalam perutnya bebek. diamkan di kulkas paling sedikit satu jam.
3. satu jam kemudian, panaskan wajan, api kecil, masukkan minyak sayur dan gual pasir, mulailah proses bikin caramel, nantikan hingga caramel berwarna kecoklatan.
4. sementara menungu caramel selesai, keluarkan bebek dari kulkas, isi perut bebek dengan langkuas dan bawang putih, lalu tutup bagian bawah dengan tusuk sate.
5. masukkan bebek kedalam gula yang telah jadi caramelnya, tambahkan kecap asin kental, pekkak dan kayu manis. tutup wajan nya dan masak denan api kecil selama 25 menit, atau hingga kecap asin mengental. sewaktu-waktu bebek di balik-balik.
6. begitu kecap sudah kental, tambahkan satu liter air, masih dengan api kecil, tutup lagi wajan dan godok lagi selama 35 menit, sambil dibolak balik bebeknya.
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